Coding the user experience

for intuitive & reliable business apps

Development for e-business

From UX design to code, we build apps for business

Web Dev

We develop web and mobile solutions for companies aiming to better serve their users.

To improve their business, entrepreneurs need practical, scalable and intuitive tools for their workforce and their clients.
Design thinking and agile development allow us to build creative software solutions on top of a dependable and performing technological base.

Local to global

We are pround of who we are, where we are from. We don’t need to leave in order to chase our dreams.

Most of our clients are companies that work in e-commerce. We like to be an actor in the global digital commerce revolution, and we will be one also in our own country.

JS stack

We believe in Javascript/Typescript to be THE language of development for the forseeable future, and we use and love the following tools:

React, Angular, Vue.js, Bootstrap, Ant Design, Node.js, Git, VSCode, Sass


Developed for one of our clients in pure Javascript.

No need to buy dedicated hardware, no app instalation necessary, no special quality cameras needed: simply scan from the browser, in Android or iOS, on your regular phone, in Windows or Linux using your regular webcam.

The applications are huge: our clients’ workforce can use their phones instead of custom hardware for barcode scanning during inventories, online shoppers can show a barcode in front of their webcam instead of typing, and click and colect customers can simply acess a webpage on their phones and start scanning away.

Print on the fly

One of our clients needed a solution to quickly create a PDF document from data in their app, so we created an alternative to heavy document layout editors.
Using React and a configurable modular JSON document template, we created a solution to preview and manipulate the layout of your Pdf document on the fly, just before you create and print it.
Goodbye Crystal Reports!

App admin

One of our clients was very happy with his mobile App, but all the configs were only accessible in the database, so every time the app had to be configured, devs had to manually make the changes directly in the SQL code.

We have developed a graphical Admin in Angular, that interacts with the database and allows changing the configs directly.
This way, managers can config the App while developers can use their time to develop.


[The artist]
Christophe is the team’s creative element. Web designer with a large experience in UX design. Master of responsive and mobile-first programming. CSS extraordinaire. Adobe addict.
[The mathematician]
Ricardo is the team’s scientist. With a background in Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, and a varied arsenal of programming languages. Functional Programming advocate. Linux fan.
[The hammer]
Rui is the team’s multi-tasker. Experienced web developer with sensibility for interface needs. Javascript tamer. General-admin of servers. Capable of putting anything to work.
[The Stabiliser]

His incredible experience brings stability and scalability. From back to front, from yesterday to today, Diogo brings a broad vision of what technology can do for us, without getting carried away by the frenetic pace of technological trends.

[The new generation]

Always keen to discover new frameworks, Gonçalo brings his vision of contemporary technologies to the table. The team’s youngest full-stack knows how to surprise us with new ideas and his ability to adapt to development contexts.


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